Monday, February 16, 2009

ImprovAcadia - Season Six

ImprovAcadia still has some audish slots open - Check it out! I performed there for 2 weeks a few summers ago and it was awesome. Fun shows with lots of music and you're basically on vacation in Maine near a gorgeous national park.

When I auditioned a few years ago I felt there was no way I would even be called back, and even if I was invited I would have to negotiate with my job. So I thought, "No pressure, I'll just try to have fun and maybe they'll remember me next time." Turns out that attitude is the great way to approach auditions. It's a hard thing to do in practice though, as I have experienced audishing for agents or shows I really wanted to be in. I try to remind myself of this every time a tourco audish comes up, and then I end up wearing half a shirt on a bus.

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