Thursday, April 24, 2008

Double Duty

This Audisher was on double duty yesterday.

First up, a sketch show that required prepared songs. Plural- as in an uptempo and a ballad. When I got the email last week, I contacted my former teacher at Old Town. She fit me in for a private lesson which was super sassy and productive.

And finally yesterday arrived- the first time I had to sing a prepared song for an audish. I was looking forward to singing in my cab on the way there, because I have secret fantasies of being a Broadway musical star and this was as close as I will probably get to that.

I knew this was a sassy cab when I saw bright red seats. And I did have an awesome cab driver who didn't mind my practice singing, and in fact was very encouraging and claimed to enjoy my songs. He actually had some great advice when I told him I was audishing- "try hard and keep persisting" - a man after my own optimism.

Second up, a vo audish. For the role of an 'ethnically non-descript' friend who was 'nice, upbeat, funny, natural.'

Fun lunch time, but I seriously spent $20 on cabs. Yikes!

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